
Genzai - The Art of Giving

What You Give Comes Back in Abundance

Genzai is an exchange for services, resources and possibilities based on the Principle of Nature that says; What you give will come back in abundance.

We call this The Art Of Giving.

The word Genzai is a Japanese word what translates as current, flow and present. This word refers to the flow and current of the Love energy that continuously flows through us.

Genzai also refers to the Japanese minimalism art forms where a small precise action can have a great effect.

We humans are part of the eco-system of Nature, where every human has a valuable gift to bring into the world.

This gift will present itself when we express ourselves freely in the way that comes natural to us, without any conditions.

This is the environment where true artists call upon inspiration to create masterpieces that allow the Love energy to spread to the hearts of many others.

Everything you do what is infused with the inspiring Love energy becomes a masterpiece, no matter how simple or small it is and how long it lasts. It will have a domino effect that ripples out into the world beyond your imagination and will come back to you.

We believe that artists are special human beings, with superhuman capabilities to must be admired and adored. They are like you and me and are examples to show us to be true to ourselves and connect with the artist inside us.

We are the Artist who forgot that we are Artists of the highest level, we forgot to have the ability to change worlds. We forgot to be the artists because we forgot how to be in Love with our own Lives.

We can create a masterpieces every day when we let our Spark flow freely. This will amplify our frequency and energy levels that will have a positive effect on our health, joy and the relationship with all life around us.

Love needs your ‘I’ to transform it to Live.

Genzai invites us to showcase and share our skills and talents freely with others, as they are a valuable domino piece within the larger eco-system.

This is the purpose of Genzai.

Genzai asks you; What do you want to contribute to the world?

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